Saturday, November 28, 2009

St. Nicholas Day Early!

My family is completely Polish, with both of my parents born and raised in Poland. That heritage was passed on to my sisters and me through many traditions, one of which being the celebration of St. Nicholas Day. Many Europeans celebrate St. Nicholas Day on December 6th. It is suggested that on that day, St. Nicholas went around and left little gifts at the doorstep of good children. Some children put out shoes, some empty plates, and others just a light left on so that St. Nick would know where to stop. St. Nicholas (St. Nick), brought gifts earlier in December, so that later in the month, celebrations focused on religious traditions rather than gift giving.

My family has celebrated the Polish Swienty Mikoli (St. Nicholas) for as long as I can remember. Even when I went off to college I still got something in the mail from St. Nick. This year, St. Nick came a week early to drop off tickets for my siblings and I to see the musical Hairspray today! I am EXCITED to see the musical, especially with my siblings and especially in the spirit of our family tradition!

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