Monday, November 2, 2009

Could you Believe?

Pharmacy work can present some suprises.

For one, I get these little old ladies that come into the store to pick up their prescriptions. While they're at it, they get other stuff, too. Logical. But what is it with the little old ladies that buy an 12 pack of Keystone light three times a week?! The poor girl doesn't even look strong enough to carry it for crying out loud. "That looks a little heavy for you, do you got it?" "Yeah, I got it. It gets a lot lighter when you're drinking it." Alcoholic eighty year old.

The other day, a script came in for prenatal vitamins for a 15 year-old girl. It is true that kids are having sex and getting pregnant younger and younger these days. But, on the script, the doctor wrote "Patient needs chewable tablets" - Yes, some companies make chewable prenatal vitamins... Maybe the doctor and parents should have thought ahead and gotten the girl chewable birth control pills.

Another day, a teenage boy came into the pharmacy with what looked like a swollen and inflamed right ear lobe. The boy was picking up antibiotics. As I asked the boy if he had any questions about the medication, he asked how long will it take for the infection on his self-pierced ear lobe would heal. After I explained a little bit more about the medication, the boy started to leave with his friend by his side and said, "Tonight I are piercing the other ear!".....REALLY?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, Dorothy....the stories you will hear. I was thinking of writing down all the good ones I hear and starting a collection that I might call
" work at its best."
I try to remember the saying, "Do not judge a person until you've walked a mile in their shoes," but somedays you want to shake some sense into them. Remember why you do this....keep up the good work.