Wednesday, January 21, 2009

New President

As one of my navy friends would say "There's a new boss in charge". I am talking about President Obama. I am actually excited about the new president, not because I am an overzealous Obama supporter or a fanatic liberal but because our country needs some change. A new president, no matter their party, race, gender or religion, helps usher in change because of their new ideas, new committee members and desire to better their country.

The economy is in a sinking ship that is trying to bail itself out but is not getting very far. People borrowed beyond their means and Uncle Sam has begun to show the hurt it is causing. Stocks are going up and down like an out of control roller coaster ride, while companies are pleading for money, people are loosing their homes, oil prices are on a happy downswing about to dangerously upswing, and the dollar is laughable in most other countries.

The United States needs to keep its nose out of everyone's bussiness including many of the conflicts in the Middle East. I believe people should enjoy freedoms and rights but by having a force come into your country just to fight another country, that is not freedom or peace. Besides, the US is not in the Middle East because they are fighting for universal freedom, they are there because there is a whole lot of oil and land at stake.

The environment is dirty and a whole lot more could be done to preserve it. From simple recycling, which is not even done in many places, to more efficient forms of energy, to cleaner water sources. We have the knowledge and power so why not use it to help preserve our world long enough for our posterity to enjoy it.

I know that recovery will take awhile, as in years, but I hope that the new president can help start that recovery process soon so our country can start building itself back up, while promoting peace and a safer environment to live in. I just want to have a job when I graduate, not have to worry about being recruited for WWIII, afford health care, and know that my children/grandchildren can enjoy the same world that I have lived in.

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