Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I Feel Honored But...

I would love to take advantage of every experience in life, so I feel honored when individuals approach me with opportunities for jobs, conferences, responsibilities and awards and try to take advantage of each offer.

As I have always put my interests behind others, I am coming to the realization that I need to stop trying to be superwoman. Physically and mentally I cannot do everything so sometimes it would be helpful if sometimes people forgot about me.

I know this sounds silly and seems like one of the most ridiculous problems to have. But I hate having to say no to people when they offer me an opportunity. When I have to say no to others' offers I feel like I am letting those people down and I HATE letting people down. I feel as if people are depending on me so I feel guilty that I cannot please everyone. Additionally, I am afraid if I do not take advantage of every opportunity set in front of me I might miss out on something in life.

I know that I need to learn that saying no is ok sometimes. This is much easier said than done but I hope that I can learn to do this. As much as I struggle, thank you for thinking of me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One of the greatest lessons in life and one that you will always struggle with ( if you are anything like me) is saying NO. Although you feel like you are letting people down, etc. it is somewhat relieving sometimes. As you move on from school and life changes even more, you will learn what is important to you in life, what and who makes you happy, and where you need to focus your energy and time. Then saying NO will be all the easier. I am not going to lie that it still is hard, but you have to think about you and what makes you happy! Don't ever forget that!