Sunday, January 25, 2009

Getting Up Early To Go Where?

As a kid, I went to church every Sunday morning and for every holy day of obligation. It did not matter whether it was storming or if the holy day was in the middle of the week or even if we were on vacation we would find a church and go. I did not hate going to church but it was never the first thing I wanted to do on a weekend morning. During church I rarely listened because I did not understand what was going on so I would make up games in my head or talk to my sisters until my parents would 'shush' us. My freshman year in college, I figured I would never get up to go to church because I did not have to go to please my parents anymore.

Starting that first semester away from home was scary since I had been with my family all of my life till then. I missed my friends and family so much that I wanted to cry the first few days at school. A few times I considered packing my stuff up, giving up on this college thing and returning home. It hit me that every other freshman around the country was going through the same thing as me. Maybe not all of them were missing their homes but they all were going through change and they somehow were surviving. This made me believe I would survive too. I still was seeking some comfort and familiarity and guess what I turned to to find it?

Yes it was my faith and church. I remember it was a Sunday night and I just got off the phone with my mom. I decided I would pray to help ease my mind and feelings. I was looking for this church that people had talked about on campus but could not find it as I walked all around the Drake area. When I was about to give up I found this small, unassuming church across the street from campus, St. Catherine. I entered it quietly, trying not to draw attention, as I was already late for the 9pm student mass. Immediately the students and church opened its arms to me. Everyone made me feel as though I was in the right place and that I would never be alone. That night church staff introduced themselves and all of the neat things going on for students to get involved in. Also that night the students walked back to my dorm with me as I made new friends. I started going to church there every weekend, waking up each Sunday morning to go.

I was no longer forced to go to church but I went because my faith was becoming something much more than just a word my parents had placed upon me. I really began to understand myself and my faith my freshman year. I realized what believing meant and why I did it. Most of this spiritual growth would not have happened without the persistent efforts and teaching by my parents but more importantly it would not have happened if it were not for the people at St. Catherine's. The church makes everyone feel as though they are apart of the 'family' and always welcome to come over no matter what they believe or who they are. The church gives students the tools to find themselves at a time when life is changing so much. I stay very involved in the church because I feel like I want to give back to the community that gave me so much, I want to make others feel as comfortable as I am, and I want to strengthen myself daily. I now know that I had found the most inviting church that has shaped a large part of me, thanks St. Catherine's.

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