Wednesday, September 22, 2010

You Know You Are On Rotations In a Small Town When...

The following story reminds me that I am on rotations in a small town because this sort of story would never happen anywhere else.

"Billy Joe" walks into Subway during his lunch break to buy one sandwich to eat at the restaurant and one to take to his wife. The cashier recognizes "Billy Joe" as most everyone knows most everyone else in town. "Billy Joe" gets his first sandwich and enjoys it at the restaurant. "Billy Joe" leaves Subway forgetting to take the second sandwich that he ordered for his wife.

The cashier realizes that "Billy Joe" forgot the second sandwich but knows she is too late to catch him as he drives away. She immediately calls "Billy Joe's" place of employment to let him know he forgot his food because of course she knows where he works. The cashier is informed that "Billy Joe" has not made it back to work yet. The cashier then assumes that "Billy Joe" stopped at home because she knows his home is on the way to his work.

Then, the cashier recognizes the next customer, as "Billy Joe's" neighbor. The cashier knows how good of friends the neighbor is with "Billy Joe" and that she can trust this neighbor, so she asks the neighbor to take "Billy Joe" his forgotten sandwich.

As "Billy Joe" is leaving his driveway, his neighbor stops him to give him his forgotten sandwich. Before "Billy Joe" even gets back to work he has the sandwich he was supposed to give to his wife.

NEVER would this story actually play out like this in an urban area. Restaurant workers would never know every customer that walks into the restaurant, nor would they know where their customer's work, nor would they know where their customer's live, nor would they trust other people so much, nor would they put so much effort forth to get a customer something the customer forgot.
ONLY in a small town could you get such service! Emmetsburg is teaching me the importance and benefits of providing others with service that goes above and beyond as I grow as a pharmacy professional.

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