Sunday, September 12, 2010

Move Over Pharmacy...Here I Come Radio!

The pharmacy, where I am completing my current rotation, co-sponsor the weekday weather report on the county radio station, KICD, which streams online and on the radio. For that sponsorship, the pharmacy puts on a 60 second radio commercial spot on the radio station. Each month the pharmacy changes the commercial to include a relevant health topic and information about the pharmacy.

This month, my preceptor at the pharmacy asked me to write a commercial spot about avoiding colds and head lice as school starts which also included information about the pharmacy. My preceptor then asked me to record the commercial spot, which I did.

With my tremendous radio voice, I can see it now....I am the next big radio personality! Everyone wanting my autograph, pictures and paying me to hang out with the A list celebrities. I become famous due to my start on the Palo Alto Radio Station!

Or, it was just fun to record a radio commercial. An opportunity I do not think I would ever get again. My debut starts this week and I am not looking for fame just a commercial that does not sound like an amateur attempting radio spots.

The experiences pharmacy rotations expose students to are endless!! THANKS!

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