There was a middle aged man who needed a flu shot. I started talking to the man as I do most patients in order to distract them from the shot I am about to give. We discuss his errands for the day, his grandchildren and my future pharmacy career.
As I finish the shot and the paperwork, the man asks if I am married. Then he asks if I have a boyfriend. I say no to both, as I am traveling too much with school. He then asks if he can have my phone number for his son. He goes on telling me how successful his son is and that he is a great man.
I insist that I will be traveling in Illinois and Iowa for the next few months so things might not work out. The man insists that things would work because his son works in Des Moines but travels to Chicago often and so on. I continue to avoid the blind date by saying I do not live in the area and will be leaving for Des Moines next month. The man says that is perfect as his son lives there and they will be having a birthday party for him next month. The man continues to invite me to the birthday party for his son.
The man tells me he will go get his wife from the car so she can meet me.
I run behind the pharmacy counter in hopes that if they couple cannot find me, they might just forget the whole idea. No luck! The man finds me and asks me to meet his now embarrassed wife.
We all begin small talk about what we do, my last name, my traveling plans, my pharmacy and business education, etc. The couple insists that their son is a great guy. The man gives me his business card and insists that he does not do this to all woman he meets and in fact he has never done this for his son before. The wife says she thinks her husband was crazy for bringing her into the store but now thinks her son and I would get along well. I continually insist that I will just be traveling around to have a relationship. She says she could give the son my name and phone number if I am comfortable with the idea and that we could all mutually meet at the birthday celebration. After trying to avoid this for 30 minutes I give in, the couple leave after I provide them with a name and phone number.
Such persistence to make a date at a flu clinic, of all places?!?!
I could not make up this story even if I had tried!