Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What NOT to Bring to College

There are more than enough places and people that give you suggestions on what to bring to college, that students could fill an 18 wheel semi-truck if they actually listened to all the advice. So I want to offer some different advice. Too many students bring too many things to college that they do not need, that end up costing too much, going to waste, taking up room or being stolen. So here is my list of what not to bring to college:

1. An expensive stereo, tv, jewelry, heirloom, or lots of money get the point. Other people are not afraid to snag something if they think it looks nice. Things get ruined easily when your not looking.

2. An extra LARGE tv. In your dorm room, you might end up sleeping on top of it or under your roommates bed if there is no room left.

3. An expensive laptop. A laptop is a very useful tool in college but you will use and abuse it so much that you will eventually need a new one, so do not spend thousands.

4. Cable tv. Nowadays you can watch tv shows streaming online, download entire seasons of your favorite show or easily download a movie/Redbox it for cheap.

5. Lots of decorations. You and your roommate will have to agree on how the room looks and it may not always be exactly what you invision when you bought all your decor.

6. A car. Especially your first year or so. A car just gets in the way, costs more money and will be used by your friends more than you. You can gain a lot of friends this way but for the wrong reasons as they use up all your gas. You really can walk, bike or blade to many more places than you it is an extra way to keep off the pounds!

7. Lots of shoes, clothes or teddy bears. You will just not have enough room for as much as you kept at your house unless you are moving into your own house on campus.

8. New text books. It is a waste of money to get new books because used books or older editions of the book are exactly the same at half the price. Or you could borrow or buy books from students older than you who would give you a great deal!

9. A printer. Most schools charge you as apart of your tuition to print in the library so take advantage of what you paid for. If they did not charge you, it usually ends up costing less to just print in the library than always getting ink every month after everyone on your hall will use it up.

10. A pet. You have barely enough time to worry about yourself let alone another living thing. You are trying to learn about yourself in college, I promise you will not miss your goldfish too much.

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