Monday, August 30, 2010

Rotation Stop #4...Emmetsburg Iowa!

Where is Emmetsburg???? That what I thought when I found out I was going to this town for a rotation. It is in northwest Iowa, near Lake Okoboji, Algona and only 30 minutes from Minnesota!

I knew I was going to a small town, but how small I did not really know. I know that many people live in small towns throughout the US that may be much smaller than Emmetsburg but I come from a suburb of Chicago so the smallest town I have ever been in for an extended period of time has been about 60,000 residents.

So Emmetsburg is a shock to the system.

*Population: ~5,000 (about 1/3 elderly)
*Only 2 stop lights in the whole town
*Two small food stores in the town
*One very small home goods store (like a Kmart)
*About 8 different antique shops
*Two bars in town
*Lots of old men in overalls or plaid shirts
*More pick up trucks than families
*EVERYONE waves 'hi' to EVERYONE they see. If you do not are considered a jerk and they know you are from out of town.
*EVERYONE knows everyone's name and personal business
*Most people have lived in the town or near the town most of their life
*No common stores (walmart, starbucks, walgreens, etc.)...but there is one McDonald's

Well there is one really great redeeming factor: Five Island Lake. It is beautiful and I do not have one of these near the town I grew up in, so it is a special piece of the town.

So, I am not sure what I will do with myself for the next five weeks but I think I will make lots of friends, get into the lake a few times, visit the casino (of all things, this small town has one nearby), find some small town things to do and just catch up on my blogging!

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