Sunday, August 15, 2010

How to Avoid the Freshman 15

It is not always easy to pass up the ice cream bar in the dinning hall when you get to college and could have pizza and ice cream for breakfast, lunch and dinner. So instead of repeating every other website's advice and common knowledge for healthy lifestyles including "eating nutritiously", "avoiding excessively fatty foods" and "portion control" I would like to offer some other easy to incorporate tips that may help you stay healthy at your new home away from home.

1. Get in some extra steps each day
----Walk to and from class
----Walk around while on the phone with friends and family from home
----Take the stairs rather than the elevator
----Take walks around town with friends to get to know the area
----Walk to anything that is close enough (ex. the store, the post office, the redbox, the bar, etc)
----Use a pedometer if you need an extra incentive

2. Work out once in while
----Find friends that may want to work out with you a few days a week
----Find some fun fitness classes on your campus
----Get someone to teach you a new activity such as racket ball, golf, bowling, etc

3. Join an intramural sport for some extra movement or start a new intramural league with your favorite activity

4. Use a yoga ball as a desk chair (if you have a stable back) for better posture and a tighter midsection

5. Go out dancing on a Friday night before or after the extra beers

6. Plan fun outdoor activities for the weekends such as hiking, bike rides, swimming, boating, etc.

Any other ideas???

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