Monday, July 12, 2010

Graduating to Be a Monkey

Funny stories not only happen to me when I am working at the pharmacy but also when I am visiting the pharmacy as a patient. For example last night as I waited in line to pick up my prescriptions I overheard the patient in front of me:

Customer: “Why isn’t my prescription ready yet?”

Pharmacist: “We are trying to get in contact with your doctor because of a problem with the prescription. You’re profile says you’re allergic to penicillin. Is that correct?”

Customer: “Oh yeah, that stuff is real bad for me!”

Pharmacist: “The medication your doctor prescribed has penicillin in it, so we’re trying to get a hold of him to find out what he wants you to take.”

Customer: “Oh, well, he wants me to take the penicillin. That’s what he wrote down, right?”

Pharmacist: “Yes, but you said you were allergic to it.”

Customer: “But he’s a doctor, so he knows what’s best. If that’s what he wrote, then just give me that.”

Pharmacist: “Well, we’ll check with him first to make sure that it’s safe for you.”

Customer: “Of course it’s safe for me or the doctor wouldn’t have prescribed it!"

The customer turns away angry. As he walks away he tells me: "Those damn pharmacists. All they got to do is count pills like a monkey but instead they just make life harder."

Obviously the customer had no idea I was going to school to study to be a Monkey (Pharmacist)!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All the money and time and your onley getting a Monkey degree?