Monday, May 31, 2010

What Was the Benefit???

I was gone with my niece and my sister all Sunday morning. My sister had driven all morning until we returned home and washed up. Later that afternoon, we got a call from the neighbor telling us to check our cars for vandalism because his car had been damaged. When we walked outside we noticed that all four of my tires were flat with the car sitting on its rims.

I stood there dumbfounded! How could all my tires be flat? I had just bought these tires eight months ago, there was no way they could be flat!

Upon inspection...all four tires had been slashed with a knife.

How? Why? Who? Why?

Initially I was mad. I had just gotten new tires. I was just a visitor in this new state, town and was only staying for a month. I was legally parked next to the curb in front of a residential home. Was someone mad at me? Why? What had I done in the week of my being here? What a jerk! How could someone do this? Why would they even think this is ok?

I have gotten over the mad stage and have moved into the confused stage. What benefit does a person get from slashing another human being's tires? Slashing a total stranger's tires? Maybe about 10 minutes of laughs? Which is a heck of an expensive laugh! You get no payback, no honor, no money, no glory, no justice. You just ruin someones property and cause some frustration. I mean at least when you steal a car you have the car to show for it. When you slash someones gain NOTHING. Besides hopefully guilt, that I believe should stay with the person who slashed my tires for the rest of their life!

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