Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Things You Will Find

The highways in St. Louis have the most random items littered all over them. You might expect tires, car parts or animals on the side of the road but in St. Louis you will find many other 'treasures' along the highway. In one week, while traveling to and from work on the highway I have seen:

A mailbox
A ladder
Pair of shoes
A blanket
A bag of groceries
A sweatshirt
A mattress
A few pillows
A bicycle
more 'treasures' as they appear!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, so beat this for various St. Louis highway junk:

watermelons (not one or two...many strewn about the highway...split and mushed...so much so, that at first I thought it was blood before I saw the rinds)