I stood there dumbfounded! How could all my tires be flat? I had just bought these tires eight months ago, there was no way they could be flat! 
Upon inspection...all four tires had been slashed with a knife.
How? Why? Who? Why?
Initially I was mad. I had just gotten new tires. I was just a visitor in this new state, town and was only staying for a month. I was legally parked next to the curb in front of a residential home. Was someone mad at me? Why? What had I done in the week of my being here? What a jerk! How could someone do this? Why would they even think this is ok?
I have gotten over the mad stage and have moved into the confused stage. What benefit does a person get from slashing another human being's tires? Slashing a total stranger's tires? Maybe about 10 minutes of laughs? Which is a heck of an expensive laugh! You get no payback, no honor, no money, no glory, no justice. You just ruin someones property and cause some frustration. I mean at least when you steal a car you have the car to show for it. When you slash someones tires...you gain NOTHING. Besides hopefully guilt, that I believe should stay with the person who slashed my tires for the rest of their life!