Sunday, December 20, 2009

WANTED: Tech Advice

My outrage for my laptop crashing was described in a previous blog and now after my mourning period I have decided to move on on seek a new 'arm' (laptop). I know computers but am nowhere near geek status, hence I am seeking geek insight.

I need a new laptop and have some preferences but do not know which brand is the best for what I need. I use my laptop mostly to email, BLOG, write papers, complete projects and surf the net. No excess games, videos or huge media (some pictures and music).

I would like:
At LEAST 2GB Memory
At LEAST 320GB Hard Drive
At LEAST a Pentium processor (a Core 2 Duo would be even better)
Built in wireless card
A battery that can last about 2 hours on one charge
Possibly a built in webcam (to Skype with my niece!)
The smaller/lighter the better
The cheaper yet GOOD the better
At LEAST 2 USB plug ins.
Reliable laptop brand!

ANY SUGGESTIONS??? Any References??


Anonymous said...

I have none...but you might want to pick your bro-in-law's brain. He of course will suggest a Mac book...but he might also have some other P.C. suggestions!! :) Call him and ask...he's off Wed. and Thurs. this week.

CG said...

Since I was looking for a laptop for 2 other people that asked me I also kept an eye out for something you might be interested in.

Here are 4 laptops I would recommend and personally buy if I didn't have one at the moment. I ranked them according to personal preference but I would pick any one of those if I didn't have a choice. Sill, I'm linking all 4 because you might prefer one style over the other

Have a look and I hope this helps.

Anonymous said...

As someone who has had 3 computers in college, I would recommend a MacBook. They are more expensive, but are much less likely to get viruses. I have had the best luck with mine and know people that have had them for years. The tech people at Apple are also extremely willing to help free of charge. It took a little getting used to switching from Windows but I am extremely happy! I also suggest an external hard drive to back things up just in case! :)