Monday, June 15, 2009

It Seems Wrong

How can Drake University justify serving imported beers and expensive wines to the parents of the new freshman class during summer orientation? There are a total of 7 orientation sessions and at each one, the school serves the costly drinks to all and any of the parents.

Is the school trying to impress the parents? It seems silly since the parents are not the ones attending the school and the kids that are attending the school have already committed to going to Drake so it is somewhat late for a good impression. Plus, the school should not have to impress the parents with alcohol but rather with its academic excellence, achievements, support of students, college life, etc.

The school could save money by offering the parents regular beverages instead (and no I am not saying it has to be water). Most other beverages are less expensive and just as suitable for hospitality.

The extra money spent on these beverages could go to better the university, increase financial aid for the current/incoming students, or a multitude of more needy causes. If I were one of those parents I would rather the school use that money to help my kid pay for tuition than enjoy a beer.

Maybe I am just too simple or realistic but I find a problem with this picture that no one else seems to see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You make a good point. My parents have thought the same thing; they thought it was odd that the parents got fancy beers and wines while their kids were at orientation. They interpreted it as, "Your kids are going to be getting drunk here for 4 years but don't worry, have a beer!" But yes, Drake could certainly make better use of that money.