Thursday, June 25, 2009

Bad Omen...or Weird Coincidence?

In the office where I work there is an old magazine framed and mounted on the wall. The magazine is framed because it is a business magazine that highlights the achievements that Walgreen's has done. It was published a few years ago and on the front cover is a picture of a male Walgreen's pharmacist and a female Walgreen's manager both from Iowa.

Ever since I started working at that office the mounted magazine has really bothered me. Really the picture on the front of the magazine is what bothers me. I see the women as someone other than who she is. I was convinced from the beginning and still am that the women looks like a bleached out Michael Jackson. I know this sounds like crazy talk but I am not crazy.

As I passed that magazine cover for about the millionth time yesterday afternoon I said something about it to the three other people in the office. They all laughed at me to begin with. But when they looked again at the photo each one gasped in shock and whole heartily agreed at the astounding resemblance. They all admitted that they had never really looked that closely at it or even paid much attention to it. Now it is the new topic around the office.

Well today as I was jogging, the radio announcer was mourning the death of Michael Jackson who died today June 25, 2009. I almost came to a sudden stand still. I had just been talking about that photo that bothered me the day before and now the person I was talking about was dead. This was somewhat creepy and all too ironic. No I do not believe I have ESP or can see the future but I do think life sometimes surprises you with such weird coincidences that you have to take notice. All I can think now is that every time I pass that magazine in the office is: a dead entertainer is staring at me with a big smile knowing what I said.


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