Wednesday, June 10, 2009

How to Avoid Getting Ripped Off by the College Bookstore

*See if your college library carries the book and check it out if you can.

*Find out if your college library has Interlibrary Loan which would allow you to borrow the book from other libraries that may have the book and your school associates with (takes some planning ahead)

*Explore the the local community library and check out the book there if they have it.

*See if google has an online copy of the book available to read

*Become friends with upperclassman and see if you can borrow their book, barter for the books, trade for books they might need, or pay them a discounted price.

*See if your school has an online book swap/discount sale between students (most schools have something like set up for just their school...ask around if you do not know)

*Get a account and surf for competitive deals on the book you need.

*Look on craigslist for deals on books you may be using

*Share books with friends (this is really hard when you both need to read/do an assignment at the same time and coordinating schedules is difficult...but doable)

*Photocopy a friend or classmate's book (very tedious)

*Check out other online book stores for a better deal

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