Monday, February 23, 2009

All 5 Million OTC Products in One Semester!

I am currently taking a one semester course all about over-the-counter (OTC) medications. Drake is one of the better pharmacy schools in that this "OTC Class" is not only offered, but required. Some other pharmacy schools do not offer the class which is unfortunate because I think know OTC medications is VERY important and necessary information for a pharmacist to know. Think about how much people self-treat their illnesses with OTC products rather than a prescription. Knowing information, proper usage, safety, dosing, etc is very important because these products are medications just like any other that a pharmacist must prepare. I am glad that I am taking the class because it will only help me help my patients understand the products they are using. Helping people live better lives is a major goal in my life.

Now all that being said, this OTC class is also turning out to be one of the hardest classes. Just think about how many OTC medications there are. Yeah....hundreds of thousands, and they change daily because of newer better medications, regulations, requirements, trial results, etc. There is not just one pain reliever but hundreds for every kind of pain and for every kind of person. They may have similar ingredients, different added ingredients, different dosages, different side effects, different uses, etc. So we have to pack all those products and more into a one semester course. Trust me it is overwhelming. To add to it, the class is mainly independently taught...the students teach themselves. This is why I am struggling with this course and will be for the next few months. It is a very interesting course that I know will be one of the most applicable to my career and life but getting through it will be a challenge! Bring on the OTCs!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I am going to be a pre-pharmacy student at Drake in the fall 2009 and I love reading your blog ( i saw it on the Drake University home page)! I see you are a pharmacy/MBA major, just like what I want to be! Is it cool if I could ask you some questions about it or give me some advice? my email is