Thursday, August 28, 2008

How Was your First Week Back?

My first week of the new semester went SUPER slow. I guess my brain and body are getting used the learning and the early mornings.

My P2 year will be full of a LOT of reading, some good, some bad, none for my own enjoyment because I won't have time. My classes are going to be hard as I was already assuming for but I am not going to worry yet.....that's for finals. I think I will survive and if not, I can always become a mystery shopper or food critic (a secret passion of mine).

Also with the new accreditation standards for pharmacy students, I am going to have a TON of 'experience' hours that I have to complete outside of class. The bad thing is we have to complete about 45 hours per semester as volunteer hours in addition to all the classes we have. It sucks because it takes up a lot of time that we are not getting paid. At the same time I understand how important it is to get some experience before we have to pick rotation sites and before we get out into the working world....but are so many really necessary?

All of my professors will be good as usual since Drake has some of the BEST faculty and mentors. They not only are some of the smartest people I know, but they are truly here to teach and they make student learning their number one priority. I am slightly worried about one lecture class since the professor seems really nervous every time he gives a lecture....but I guess trying to get the attention of 120 students at 8am would make me unnerved too.

I am a TA for two classes this year. A P1 class and a health sciences class. I realized that I really like the positions and could get used to teaching/mentoring. I will have to see if these feelings last through the semester.

How was your first week? Any good stories to share? Students, teachers, parents, friends? Let me know!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

First Day of Class!

to everyone on the first day/week of classes!!
I know I am not ready at all for classes to start. Starting is the hardest part after a break because once the classes begin the semester starts to fly by. First is fall break then thanksgiving and then winter break before you know it. It goes by like a rushing train and the hardest part is initially grabbing onto that speeding train. I feel like each semester is a new start that makes me a bit more mature, a bit smarter, and a bit closer to being a true adult in the real world (scary!). I am nervous for my first week of school, not as nervous as my freshman year but trust me the nerves never fully go away. Each semester there are new classes, new teachers, new people, all adding to the anxious feelings that get the semester going.
Freshman: No need to get dolled up for class like in high school, pjs or jeans will do.
Sophomores: No, not every book you bought is need in each class. Figure out which ones you really need or can share and return the rest.
Juniors: Enjoy school but watch how many classes you skip. Keep working hard since your already half way done.
P1: Congrats on making it into the program. This year is not so bad and it is the half way point in May.
Again Good Luck and Enjoy. School is supposed to be "Educational" and FUN!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Good Old Chicago!

So thanks to some GREAT people that helped cover my shifts, Kristin Blough, Ginger, and AJ (Kristin and AJ are Drake students), I was able to go home for a week before the semester started. This was my week of vacation to account for the whole summer...NO work, NO school, NO nothing....until I started getting emails from professors about classes, calls from work, and questions from parents about tuition bills.

In between all the worries I tried to take advantage of the few days while at home in Mt. Prospect, a northwest suburb of Chicago. Even though I have lived here since I was a kid, I still love going downtown to see the same sites that change year by year as well as exploring things I have never done. Chicago is awesome because it has so MUCH to offer and is constantly changing. I went downtown a few days to check out the traditional favorites like: Navy Pier, hang out at the beach, see the 'Bean' and Millennium Park, Buckingham fountain, shopping on Michigan Ave, Rush Street, the daily markets, my friends going to school in the city colleges, and so much more.

The Chicago Air and Water show was fantastic as it is every year. The boats are beautiful while the planes are all different. The stunts and performances that are put on in the water and in the air are unbelievable. I would love to feel the same adrenaline rush that the performers feel, it would be heart pumping. Pictures are included.

I also got to try some new things, like an architectural tour of the city while riding along the Chicago river. It was great because it was an hour and a half of awesome views, amazing information, and unbelievable weather. I realized that washing the windows on the tall buildings might just be worth the $35 an hour that the washers make. I took tons of pictures as you can see below. The tour was expensive but no worries because my parents paid :)

I introduced my parents to a Chicago past time by taking them to their first Ravinia performance. It was a gift for their anniversary. Ravinia is a large outdoor venue that hosts a range of musical talent including orchestras, bands, singers, etc. My parents, my sisters, and I took a picnic and listened to a Reggae band perform. I have attended other performances and I think my parents found a new favorite thing to do.

The week turned out so good that I do not want to go back to Drake quite yet. I am not ready for classes and could use another week of fun.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Am You Being Taken Advantage of?

Do the following situations sound familiar? These themes I constantly encounter these themes and used to let happen. However through school and work I have learned how easy it is for people to take advantage of someone else's good intentions. I work hard so that I can help people and myself and not so others can claim that work for themselves or unload their work onto me. I am working on becoming my own self advocate in order to make life a little more fair for me.

*People know you have a good heart and will use that to their advantage by guilting you into everything.
*One little favor turns into 1 favor + 15 other requests.
*Other people's responsibilities become your responsibilities
*You are a good listener with a comfy shoulder to cry on, but when it comes your anyone out there?
*Strangers become your best friend when they find out you have resources they can use for themselves
*You are known to work hard and get things done so group projects turn into "you" projects because "you can do them better"
*People assume that you do not mind extra work because you always work extra hard.
*Your work has been taken advantage of before so why would that change now?
*No one else will do it, but it has to be done for the good of the team/group, so it becomes your responsibility.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Does the Pharmacy Carry...?

Yes, while working in the pharmacy I have been asked or witnessed patients/customers asking for these items at Walgreens. (Not an exhausted list)

Transmission fluid
DNA tests
Penis Pumps
Garden Rocks
Vicodin samples
Animal Shots
Cowboy boots
Child Leash
Pap-Smear Tests
Tooth Caps
Abortion kits

Walgreens does have a lot of stuff but the pharmacy is the last place you will find break pads. Thank you to all those that make my job so entertaining.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Can Anyone Help?

When you would be coming back to the Drake area?
Do you would want to make some extra money before school starts?
Are you a Walgreens pharmacy employee?

I am supposed to work the following shifts but my family is coming in to town and then I have to go home for some doctors appointments and stuff before school starts.

If you are a Walgreens pharmacy employee and could cover some or all of the times/shifts let me know. I would appreciate any help you could give, plus you could make some extra cash before classes start.

Walgreens across the street from Drake-
Sat. Aug 16 9:45-6:15
Sun. Aug 17 10:45-6:15
Mon AUg 18 10-6:30
Tue Aug 19 10-5:30
Thr Aug 21 8:30-5
Fri Aug 22 10:30-7

I hope your not working too hard. Enjoy the last few weeks.Let me know your availability ASAP! Thanks!