Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Famous Pharmacists

Dante Alighieri, The great Italian poet and author of “The Divine Comedy” who was an apothecary guild in the late 1200's

Sir Isaac Newton: The man who changed the world with his theory of gravity served as an apprentice apothecary

Benjamin Franklin; (inventor of electricity) Believe it or not, this Founding Father was a pharmacist before he was ever a printer or a statesman

Agatha Cristie was a pharmacy technician

John Pemberton(1831 - 1888), American inventor of the soft drink Coca-Cola
Charles Alderton (1857 - 1941), inventor the soft drink Dr Pepper
Caleb Bradham (1867-1934), American inventor of the soft drink Pepsi-cola

John Wayne's father.

Charles Walgreen: After losing part of a finger in an accident at the shoe factory where he worked, Walgreen with the sugession of his doctor decided to apprentice with a local druggist.

Hubert H. Humphrey: (Vice President of the United States under President Lyndon B. Johnson) The Minnesota democrat worked for a short time as a pharmacists in his father’s drugstore

O. Henry: The brilliant American writer – author of ‘The gift of Magi’ –He worked in his uncle’s drugstore as a teenager and became a pharmacist at 19.

George H. Ryan (1934-), Illinois Governor


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