Monday, December 27, 2010

What I Got For Christmas

For the Holiday, I got everything I asked for and more.

I needed an external hard drive to backup the contents on my laptop and got one. Last year my 5 year old laptop just stopped working one day and I could not retrieve the contents on it. I was pretty bummed for a while but got over it. I HIGHLY suggest everyone to use an external hard drive or jump drives to back up important or desired information.

I also needed and received new dress shoes for work. On rotations we have to dress like professionals which includes business casual. I have a few shoes to wear but was in need of some more comfortable shoes for all day use. HIGHLY recommend getting comfortable shoes for any job, internship or rotation that is all day on your feet otherwise you are compromising foot health for fashion.

I also received some vacuum style packing bags. I need them for when I travel from rotation to rotation in order to minimize the luggage I am taking. As we know, transportation is getting more expensive due to luggage fees. I have not tried the bags out yet but from what they advertise they should be some miracle workers.

I also received a gift card to Starbucks. I am not always in the mood for coffee but I enjoy meeting up with people for coffee or tea at Starbucks to talk or study.

I got some highly desired cash. As a student, cash has always been on any gift list. School costs (especially when you are working for free or actually paying to work), transportation costs, living costs, etc.

I got to spend over 4 days with my whole family including my niece which is above all the most desired thing on my gift list. It was a great time since my family is very close and we really do enjoy spending time together.

Finally, I got my last present this morning, the stomach flu. I have been sick all morning and just now am feeling slightly better. I am not sure where I got it but my mom also has it. It is no fun and I feel extremely lazy. I have done practically nothing today because every time I move from my bed I feel nauseated and my head kills due to my dehydration.

Overall Christmas was WONDERFUL except for the the "extra present" that I got this morning that was not on my list!

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