Thursday, December 16, 2010

Makes Sense to Some People

Calvin Hoover of Salem, Oregon, who last year repeatedly called 911 to report that someone had stolen an ounce of marijuana from his truck, an act of foolishness that turned him from victim to criminal in a matter of hours.

Sterling F. Wolfname, a murder suspect on the run from police in Billings, Montana, who was caught by police when they spotted a man who had "Wolfname" tattooed on the side of his head.

Douglas Gardner of Vermont, who picked up his eighth DUI just days after spending 20 years in prison for killing a man in the course of committing his seventh DUI.

Frank Singleton, 21, was released from jail. However, when he realized that he didn't have a ride home, he walked straight into the prison parking lot and attempted to carjack a woman. He was foiled when he realized that he couldn't drive a car with a stick shift.

Demetrius Robinson, 28, wanted to rob a Golden Pantry store late one night, but he needed to pass the time as naturally as possible until he and the clerk were alone, so he decided to fill out a job application. Not a bad idea, except he left his real name on the application, along with his uncle's phone number. After he robbed the store, it didn't take long for police to track him down. He didn't get the job.

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