Monday, November 29, 2010

Thank Goodness and How Ridiculous?

This first article appeared in the Des Moines newspaper on Nov. 23 and of course I freaked out because I live very near this area.

A Drake University student was robbed and then kidnapped as he walked to his car near his residence early today.

Michael Thaden, 21, was approached by a man in the 2900 block of Brattleboro Avenue about 1:15 a.m. Police said the man opened his heavy coat and displayed a silver handgun. He ordered Thaden to get in the vehicle.

After robbing him of $50, the gunman climbed in the passenger side and ordered him to drive. Police said the man did not say much, just barked orders, like, “Turn here,” and “Turn right.” They ended up near Valley West Mall. The gunman told Thaden to wait. He said a friend would be joining them.

When the gunman got out of the car, Thaden drove away. He called police shortly thereafter.
No arrests have been reported, and police have not identified a suspect.

Then this article appeared on Nov. 24 and became relieved but also dumfounded by why would someone do this?

Detectives on Wednesday determined that another reported kidnapping was a lie.

Drake University junior Michael Thaden, 21, told police he was kidnapped and robbed as he walked to his car near his residence early Tuesday. Wednesday, Polk County prosecutors charged and arrested Thaden with making a false police report. No motive for the alleged crime was given...

In a press release Police Sgt. Jeff Edwards said, “In the subsequent investigation follow-up, it has been determined that the kidnapping and robbery reported in this case did not occur.”
Thaden was charged with making a false police report.

"Significant time is put into every case that is made," Sgt. Jeff Edwards, Des Moines police spokesman, said in a news release. Police encourage people to report possible crimes, but Edwards emphasized that deliberately making a false report is a crime.

Got nothing better to do with your time??
Encouraging to know that the police keep the Drake area safe, too bad they cannot protect us from everything!


Anonymous said...

Learn how to spell.. Liars, not liers. And before you judge this kid, you should think about the fact that we may not know all the details of the story.

Anonymous said...

What more do you need?