Thursday, November 18, 2010

T-Shirts, T-Shirts Everywhere!

I know I am not the only person who has an overwhelming collection of t-shirts as I have seen the t-shirt quilts ideas on the Internet and have seen my mom make one from my sister's collection.
After sorting through the over 100 t-shirts that I have, I began to ask myself....Where did they all come from?

Sports, band, organizations, clubs, fundraisers, groups, committees, conferences....being way too involved!

Upon remembering the source of most of the shirts, I began to get very nostalgic about all that I did with memories flowing back immediately as if I had pictures in front of me. There is no way I can wear all of these shirts even in an entire year. So what to do with all these memories?

Ask my mom to make me a t-shirt quilt! Thanks MOM!

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