Friday, November 26, 2010

Comparing Prices Over the Years

Although today was Black Friday, I did not do any shopping. I have gone out before for 'black Friday deals' only to leave the store without the product I wanted (because they only had 5 models), with some product I never knew I needed but bought because it was on sale and frustrated at all humans because of the amount of people shopping or complaining all at the same stores.

This year Black Friday made me think about how prices of products have changed over the years as well as the variety of products available. For example, I remember paying about $150 for a printer which now can be bought for about $40. Also, my mom always remembers how she paid $480 for her first VHS player which now cannot even be bought in stores. Other fun cost comparisons:

Gallon of Gas:
1930 10 cents , 1960 25 cents , 1990 $1.34 , 2010 $2.80

Cost of a New Car:
1930 $600.00 , 1960 $2,600.00 , 1990 $16,950.00 , 2010 $28,958

Cost of a New House:
1930 $3,845.00 , 1960 $12,700.00 , 1990 $123,000.00 , 2008 $238,880

My First Discman:
1996: $60.00, 2010: People do not know what a disc man is anymore

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This made Me smile. I didn't know what a Discman was... most people know them as Walkmans I think. It's crazy the way price shave sky rocketed in the last ten-twenty years.