Sunday, October 10, 2010

What Psychiatric Patients Can Teach the World

1. Every person is an human being so treat them as you would want to be treated.

2. Judging other people makes you ignorant and makes you miss out on a lot of extraordinary opportunities

3. The problems that I worry about on a day to day basis are insignificant in comparison to the problems that psychiatric patients deal with.

4. Everyday, be grateful for the mental, physical and emotional health that you have, as these are the most important things in life.

5. Everyday, be grateful for the upbringing you had (you may not have gotten a new car at 16, but you were not abused, beat down, abandoned, exposed to drugs, pressured into theft, etc)

6. Psychosis DOES NOT equal dumb. Psychotic people have unique talents and skills just like all other humans.

More lessons to be learned...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AMEN sister.