Thursday, October 7, 2010

Stop #5 on My Rotation Tour!

I am now back on some more familiar ground in Des Moines; however, I do miss good old Emmetsburg.

I am completing my fifth rotation at a county hospital, focusing mainly on the psychiatric patients that come in. I am working with a professor from Drake at the site who is phenomenal. Since most students really enjoy the professor and learn a lot from the professor in class and at the site, this particular rotation site becomes highly sought after.

The rotation gets me up early in the morning but keeps me going all day so there is little time to get bored or even look at the clock. Since a Drake faculty member is the preceptor, the rotation is very organized, scheduled and BUSY (with projects, presentations, questions and assisting in teaching a course). No day is the same but I like it that way. I am already learning a lot in just the first few days. The patients not only teach me about their mental illnesses but about life lessons, how to treat others, being nonjudmental and the good in life. I can only imagine how fulfilling this rotation will be in the end!

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