Thursday, October 8, 2009

You're NOT Welcome

Certain people in life just make you feel bad as a person. I have a hard time with these people because I mistakenly take everything personally. It is hard for me to just brush off people's criticism yet it is easy to oversee people's compliments.

As usual, the pharmacy was packed with patients at the post work rush. All the patients there are there for different reasons and in different moods. Some extremely rushed while some very sick and others worried about what is going to happen to their health. We were filling dozens of prescriptions while offering dozens of flu shots. I never get to sit down at work or relax and that day, I was running around helping patients inside the pharmacy. As I turned to attend to patients in the drive thru, a very angry stare met my greeting. The patient was VERY upset and started yelling at me about having to wait ten minutes (which was a bit of an exaggeration) to be acknowledged and served. I was very apologetic and got her medications rung up as quickly as I could so to keep her satisfied. Well that was not enough for her. As I asked her to verify her address (as we have to to make sure we are giving the right prescription to the right person), she once again yelled at me that she has not moved and she thinks I am waisting her time by asking her silly questions. She just kept telling me how long she had to wait and how rude we all were for making her wait and asking her stupid questions. Once again I was very apologetic and tried to make her less angry by asking her if she had questions or if there was anything I could do to help her visit. Of course she just kept yelling and drove off upset.

This situation made me feel about 2 feet tall. I know this situation was not something I could really control so I felt that this women was out of line in her complaints and accusations. I had been working my butt off trying to make all the patients comfortable. All of the patients were in the same situation/wait time as her. I did not favor anyone in the situation and yet she felt she had to yell at me, personally, about how rude and inconsiderate I was. I need to bite my tongue so not to raise my voice with her and take her blame. I took all her yelling and apologized (for something I did not need to apologize for) yet she was still ungrateful.

After the women drove off I wanted to quit on the spot. These situations and people really make me question the field I am getting into, my competence and my personal nature. To these people, I say, You are NOT Welcome, because you make me want to quit even trying to be a kind individual.

Before you blow up at people, remember how you will make the other person feel in doing so! The age old would you feel if you were the other person?

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