Monday, October 19, 2009

What's Going On at Drake?

An Email was sent to all students and Faculty on Thursday morning. It read:

Suspicious backpack outside Howard Hall found to contain a toy gun

At approximately 8:02 a.m. today, a Drake University staff member called Campus Security after finding a suspicious unattended backpack on the exterior south landing of Howard Hall. A cryptic but nonthreatening note attached to the backpack contained the cell phone number of a Drake student.

Campus Security immediately responded and called the Des Moines Police Department, which sent the bomb squad.

While Campus Security officers kept people away from the backpack, members of the bomb squad took an x-ray of it. The x-ray showed what appeared to be a handgun.

Members of the bomb squad attached a rope to the backpack and dragged it away from the building and onto the lawn. There, they opened the backpack and found it contained a toy metal cap gun, a toy dinosaur and Twinkies.

The investigation is continuing as Campus Security and the Des Moines police question the student whose phone number was attached to the backpack.

A sweep of all other Drake buildings found no unattended backpacks or other suspicious items.

End Email

Should I laugh or be scared?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are we really crazier these days, or is it that we have more and better access to information and just hear about the craziness more? Unfortunatley we have to be so cautious with every situation. I don't understand why people need the attention or feel that they have to cause such chaos. Is it for attention? Aren't there better ways of getting attention?