Thursday, September 10, 2009

No I do Not Have a Boyfriend

No I do not have a boyfriend and no I do not plan becoming a nun. It seems like once you hit your 20s everyone expects you to either be in a relationship, actively seeking one out or committed to celibacy for the rest of your life.

Whether it is at work, at school, with relatives and sometimes total strangers, after 20 years old the question of "whose your boyfriend (girlfriend/mate/partner)?" always comes up.

I do not mind the question but the reaction to my response is what makes me want to laugh or cry. Currently I respond with, "Don't have one".

People then either ask "why not?", "your not looking?" or "can I hook you up with my son?"

These questions either make me want to cry because no I have not met the one, angry that I have to always be looking or with someone to be considered normal, or laugh because I do not want a blind date with your son. It is especially funny when someone rants about how disgusting, irresponsible and unmotivated their kids are and then ask if I would like to be hooked up with their kid. Oh yeah, after that glorious description of them?

I know I will continue to get the question until I find someone and then I will still get the question until I am married. So maybe I just need to make up a good story to tell people in the mean time.


Anonymous said...

after you're married, the question becomes, "When are you having kids?"

Anonymous said...

Honestly, the questions never stop. I think coming up with a good story might not be a bad idea. Maybe you should start telling people you want to become a nun!