Monday, September 28, 2009

Working with "Dummies"

My nerves almost got the better of me during my first real patient case. The dummies may not have had blood flowing through them but they had a pulse, human reactions and real problems. This was the first time I was faced with a patient that was not just on paper. The excitement of working with other students as part of a medical team eased my anxiety. The experience taught me a great deal about the importance of team work in the medical setting, helped me to understand my own competencies and realize the areas of study that I still needed to work on.

The simulation felt real as the patient was lifelike, the problems were realistic and the environment set as any other clinical setting. The experience of working with other student as a medical team was encouraging. It was inspiring to see how each student took part in the simulation with a serious focus and a similar objective, to learn as much as he or she could. The brief moments that we all talked before the simulation were enough to make us comfortable with one another and realize the importance of cooperation as medical professionals. After some quite murmurs or blank stares the team quickly understood that clear communication was the only way we would all get through the case. At various points throughout the simulation, students relied on one another for help, guidance and support. For example, the team leader relied on people not only to follow his requests but he looked to each team member for suggestions. When working with many individuals in a high stress situation, it becomes incredibly obvious how much more effective many minds are then one. If one student had a question, another one would give the answer or help find it out. The superior team interaction was almost effortless which was crucial to the success of our simulation.

Before starting the experience, I did not fear working with a team of professionals, instead I was nervous that I would be the least competent or would in some way let my team down. The experience changed my perceptions slightly because no one student had to know all the answers, hence the reason for the TEAMS. I did not feel extremely confident in my ability to remember dosages for such medicines as morphine or Zofran; however, I knew where to look them up and that was good enough for the team. I assisted in ways I never thought I would when I suggested administering fluids for the patient, whose blood pressure was dropping drastically, or when I had to help hold the patient up so to protect him from aspirating to death. The experience taught me competence does not just mean how much information someone can remember but competence is the ability to problem solve effectively.

The simulation allowed me the opportunity to see what areas of study I still needed to work on. Memorizing every drug and every dose may work for some but as I learned through our debriefing session, practicing the judgment of when to give or not give a drug is just as important as knowing about the medication itself. I feel comfortable in my abilities to reference materials but I believe that I still need to work on medication recognition (brand and generic) based on indications as well as defending the use of one medication over another.

Overall the simulation provided a tremendous learning experience that I look forward to again next semester. It demonstrated how critical communication and team work are when providing comprehensive health care. The situation brought to light some of the strengths and weaknesses to focus on as I continue my education.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

What's in a name?

Dorothy/ d(o)-ro-thy is pronounced DOR-a-thee.

It is of Greek origin, and its meaning is "gift of God". Theodora is its synonym. Literary: the heroine of FrankBaum's "The Wonderful World of Oz", published in 1900. Writers Dorothy Parker, Dorothy Sayers; actresses Dorothy Gish, Dorothy Lamour.

The name Dorothy has nearly forty one different variations including: Dasha, Dasya, Dodie, Dody, Doe, Doll, Dolley, Dolli, Dollie, Dolly, Doortje, Dora, Doretta, Dori, Dorika, Dorinda, Dorit, Dorita, Doritha, Dorlisa, Doro, Doronit, Dorota, Dorotea, Dorotha, Dorothea, Dorothee, Dortha, Dorrit,Dorthea, Dorthy, Dory, Dosha, Dosya, Dot, Dottey, Dottie, Dotty, Tea and Thea.

The name Dorothy is also very important in Christianity including being the name of two saints in Christianity. There were two saints and virgin martyrs in Christianity. Ther name is found used widely in fiction as well including Dorothy Catalonia an anime character created by Gundam Wing. Dorothy was also the name of a goldfish owned by Elmo in the program Sesame Street.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Some Information I Found For My Paper

I am writing a paper about how "Wheaties" creates customer value through marketing. I found some interesting information about how it started and some of the beginnings of the company.

A consumer may never guess that their bowl of cereal was created by a physician whose bran gruel spilled onto a hot stove and sizzled into a crisp flake. This mistake flake is exactly what led the Washburn Crosby Mill Company in 1921 to test over 36 varieties of wheat and hold a company naming contest in order to develop Wheaties cereal. In 1928, the Crosby mill was joined by other mills to become General Mills Incorporated, a growing foods producer. Currently, General Mills is known for its brands such as Betty Crocker, Pilsbury, Hamburger Helper, Yoplait, Green Giant, Bisquick and Gardetto’s as well as its ownership of restaurants such as Red Lobster and Olive Garden. General Mills is also one of the top three cereal producers in the world with Wheaties being its first cereal product.

The Wheaties product started out with a bang in 1926 when the world’s first singing radio commercial debuted the Wheaties Quartet. The product become a national sensation in 1933 as it began its sponsorship of baseball broadcasts and athletes on its boxes leading to its sponsorship of the first televised commercial sports broadcast in 1939. One of the broadcast stations included WHO in Des Moines, Iowa with Ronald Reagan as broadcaster.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

No I do Not Have a Boyfriend

No I do not have a boyfriend and no I do not plan becoming a nun. It seems like once you hit your 20s everyone expects you to either be in a relationship, actively seeking one out or committed to celibacy for the rest of your life.

Whether it is at work, at school, with relatives and sometimes total strangers, after 20 years old the question of "whose your boyfriend (girlfriend/mate/partner)?" always comes up.

I do not mind the question but the reaction to my response is what makes me want to laugh or cry. Currently I respond with, "Don't have one".

People then either ask "why not?", "your not looking?" or "can I hook you up with my son?"

These questions either make me want to cry because no I have not met the one, angry that I have to always be looking or with someone to be considered normal, or laugh because I do not want a blind date with your son. It is especially funny when someone rants about how disgusting, irresponsible and unmotivated their kids are and then ask if I would like to be hooked up with their kid. Oh yeah, after that glorious description of them?

I know I will continue to get the question until I find someone and then I will still get the question until I am married. So maybe I just need to make up a good story to tell people in the mean time.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

If it sounds like Fire and smells like Fire and looks like Fire...

I went to bed early last night in hopes that I would get up refreshed and get to work early so I could leave early. I am usually a very light sleeper and just do not sleep well in general, so I was excited that I was going to get some peaceful rest.

Around 4am, I started to hear this loud beeping noise. I thought it might just be a dream, but it kept going even as I woke up. I then thought that it might be one of my neighbors (since I live in a building of 4 apartments) alarms set really loud. After about 15min I realized that no alarm would be that loud and would be going on for so long.

So I got out of bed...against my better judgement and will.
In a half daze I stare out the window and think that maybe the beeping is coming from the Walgreens next door. I would not put it past my neighborhood (ghetto-like) that someone tried to break into the store. As I walked into another room, I realized it could not be coming from outside because the sound got louder or softer depending on where in the apartment I went.

Then I realized that my apartment smelled weird. I smelled burnt toast. The smell got worse when in certain areas of the apartment. All of a sudden, my heart started to race. I ran around my apartment checking every outlet, every radiator, every power jack, scared to death that there might be a fire.

Thank goodness....nothing, or at least not in my apartment unit.
So I open the back door to my porch and the beeping is louder and the smell is worse. They had just painted the porch so I thought maybe something had caught fire....No, nothing.

I go out through my front door with my cell phone and the beeping gets even louder. I realize the lights in the apartment below me are all on but the blinds in every window are closed as well as every window is closed. I hear the TV on so I knock on the door. No answer. Knock another few times, still no answer.

I am getting REALLY worried at this point.

I was not sure if I should just mind my own business and go back upstairs or do something about this. I figured if I ignored it, I would not be able to sleep and I could not imagine my belongings going up in flames.

I called Drake security, since they police the area around my apartment. I tell them about the noise and smell. Within 5min two of the security cars show up. The guys get out and start asking questions while pounding over and over on the door to the apartment below me. Final a disheveled girl opens the door and out pours a NASTY cloud of smoke. The girl seems confused (and probably drunk) and cannot explain what the noise or smoke is so the security men enter her apartment and find a pan burning on her stove. She finally explains that she fell asleep a few hours ago and forgot her cooking. The apartment is FULL of smoke and smells HORRIBLE.

How could she have slept through this all??????

The security has to call the fire department. Two fire trucks show up with about 8 firemen. They have to check out the apartment building and try to air out her apartment with a gigantic fan....does not really help with the smell. After some more questioning, I go back to me apartment around 5:30am.

My apartment smells DISGUSTING at this point as I try to go back to success. So my attempt to get some sleep...FAILED!

I guess now I have an interesting story to tell. But... how do you get the smell of burning toast out of an apartment???

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Congratulations to...

One of my best friends growing up, throughout high school and up until now just got engaged.

Congratulations Laura and Andrew!

I am excited for both of them! I do think it could be anymore special than being the maid of honor to witness the happiness of two friends starting their lives together. Thank you for making me apart of your lives!