Sunday, December 7, 2008

Can I like one half of school?

With finals coming up next week, I HATE school right now and just want to be done. I wish I was done with academics, graduated and moved on because I hate the stress that comes along with school, especially when finals are around. Everyone just wants to do their best and when a test determines a quarter to one half of your grade, there is a lot of pressure to do well. I also hate the extra ‘stuff’ you have to do outside of school for classes. The tests, the exams, the papers, the projects, the assignments all make school more of an assessment than purely a place to learn. It would be great if school was like the ideal 9 to 5 job in that you could leave school at school and not have to work on it at home or on the weekends. Sadly, school is your life when you are at college.

After all that complaining, almost scary to say this outloud but….I actually like school. Contradictory to everything I just talked about? I know. I like school just not the evaluations, exams, papers, and finals that come along with it. I really enjoy going to classes that I am interested in and learning new things, I wish I could just remember everything I learned. I wish I could go to class to simply learn and not have to deal with the evaluations that accompany every class. If this were the case, I could become a lifetime student. I would not mind learning everyday. Think of the possibilities. If I knew and could remember everything I learned, I could potentially cure cancer or teach everyone everything that I know to make everyone else just as knowledgeable. School really is a GREAT place, if I could just skip over all the extra things I hate. I guess life would be too easy if people could just skip over everything they did not like and only live up the parts they loved. Living through the stuff you don’t like, makes the rest even better.


Anonymous said...

Even when you start working, you can't always leave work at work! THings don't always change! GOOD LUCK with finals!

Anonymous said...

Good Luck with finals, you will do great.
Working is also not always a 9 to 5