Sunday, September 14, 2008

No time to be sick in college!

So as a little kid you wanted to be sick. If you were sick you could stay home from school, watch TV all day and be waited on by your mom. It was the life. No responsibilities and all the sympathy in the world.
In college.....forget being sick. Once your sick it is a vicious cycle that takes so long to break. You are sick but you have to keep up with your work otherwise you will have to catch up later. By keeping up with your work you still feel crappy and do not get more sleep which you need to get better when you are sick. So you stay feeling sick until you can catch a break sometime. There is no time to be sick as a college student, yet college students pass infections as quickly as germy kindergarten kids. The close living situations, the sharing of everything, and the lack of sleep just add up and getting sick in college is as easy as just going to class.
The reason I bring this up is, I think I am getting sick. I woke up yesterday with a sore throat, headache and sore stomach. I have gotten very little sleep in the past few nights because I feel sick which is just making me feel worse. Of course this all comes during some of the busiest/stressful weeks, as I have 5 exams and 3 quizzes in the next two weeks as well as 120 papers to grade and am starting my diversity training at a ESL clinic. I think this is how life just is, constantly testing your resilience and ability to deal with situations. I think we should all just stay elementary aged kids who get to stay home when they are sick and watch cartoons while getting chicken soup served by could life get any better?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sending some hugs to make you feel better